
 Action In Greece #The Kythira Project #Renata Pantazidou #Traditional Recipes #Pasticcio from Venice!
28 Δεκεμβρίου 2023

Action In Greece #The Kythira Project #Renata Pantazidou #Traditional Recipes #Pasticcio from Venice!

Tasting the traditional flavours of Kythira, we had the big chance of meeting a hospitable family.
The family of Renata and Valerios in Chora…
Renata was taught to cook the traditional dish of Venetian macaroni pie, by her mother-in-law.
She shares her secrets with us!
Taste the recipe, adore the way of the local cooking, to a real Kytherian house!
Live it in the local family of Action In Greece…

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